Search for media from: "Siiri Fuchs"

Tutkimusaineiston julkaiseminen Fairdata Qvain -työkalun avulla

Videolla käydään läpi, miten tutkimusaineisto kuvaillaan ja julkaistaan Fairdata-palveluiden Qvain-työkalulla siten, että se saa pysyvän tunnisteen ja on…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 4 plays

Publishing research data using Fairdata Qvain

Video shows how to describe and publish research data with Fairdata Services using Qvain Tool so that it gets persistent identifier and is findable through Fairdata Etsin service. This video is…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 1 plays

Manage your research data - towards publishing data

This tutorial video goes through what needs to be taken into consideration when wanting to publish research data. It is important to plan ahead where to publish data already when planning data…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 13 plays

The Elements of FAIR - Reusable

This video introduces what reusability means in the context of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) research data management. Reusable research data emphases that a user, either a…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 41 plays

The Elements of FAIR - Accessible

This video introduces what accessibility means in the context of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) research data management. We focus on who can access data, and how it can be…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 62 plays

The Elements of FAIR - Interoperable

This video introduces what interoperability means in the context of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) research data management. We focus on semantic interoperability and how to…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 39 plays

The Elements of FAIR - Findable

This video introduces what findability means in the context of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) research data management. We focus on the importance of persistent identifiers and…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 114 plays

DMP webinar series 2022: DMPonline

DMP webinar series: Introducing DMPonline 9.12.2022 The webinar was organized by CSC and The Finnish DMP Consortium.

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 9 plays

DMP webinar series 2022: Argos

DMP webinar series: Introducing Argos 1.12.2022 The webinar was organized by CSC and The Finnish DMP Consortium.

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 15 plays

DMP webinar series 2022: Data Stewardship Wizard

DMP webinar series: Introducing Data Stewardship Wizard 22.11.2022 The webinar was organized by CSC and The Finnish DMP Consortium.

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 30 plays

DataCite-konsortion jäsenyys ja DOI-tunnukset organisaationne tutkimusdatanhallinnan tueksi

DataCite on johtava maailmanlaajuinen voittoa tavoittelematon organisaatio, joka tarjoaa pysyviä tunnisteita datalle. Tutkimusorganisaatiot voivat liittyä DataCite-konsortioon ja…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 13 plays

The Elements of FAIR - Interoperability

This video introduces what interoperability means in the context of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) research data management. We focus on semantic interoperability and how to…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 58 plays

Manage well and get preserved - 1. Research data management and digital preservation

In this video we will discuss the digital preservation of research data. What is digital preservation? How should the data be documented and licensed before preservation? How the preservation service…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 149 plays

Manage well and get preserved – 7. Checksums

In this video we talk about checksums. A checksum means a numerical value calculated from binary data using an appropriate mathematical algorithm. This can be used to identify changes in…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 42 plays

Manage well and get preserved – 6. Managing files and file naming

In this video we talk about managing files and file naming. It is important to take some time to plan file and folder structures and naming procedures in the beginning of your research. You need to…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 70 plays

Manage well and get preserved - 5. Preservation metadata

In this video we are talking about what information is needed to preserve digital research data in the long term. There are things that are good to be aware of when you start planning your data…

From  Siiri Fuchs 0 likes 44 plays