Hands-ons for section 10.
OutlineEfficient file I/O in HPC systems Using Allas in batch scripts Moving data to/from Allas, IDA and LUMI-O Transferring data in sensitive data computing Cleaning and backing up data Working with…
OutlineHow to choose your software Speeding up jobs through parallel programming Benefits and pitfalls of workflows and high-throughput computing
Introduction to Apptainer/Singularity containers
This topic is about installing your own software on the CSC servers.
Essential hands-ons for topic 9
Hands-on Essential Tutorial for Understanding Serial Batch Jobs
Hands-on Essential Tutorial for Understanding the Usage of Sacct and Seff
The module system and how to use it on CSC supercomputers.
Hands-on Tutorial for Disk Areas
Lecture for the Batch Job System for super computing
Essential Hands-on tutorials for Puhti
This topic is about using Allas and storing data
In this section, you will learn how to work in different disk areas in CSC's HPC environment